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Hi there. I'm Sheina.

I'm the wife, mom, and therapist behind the Love After Baby membership and @loveafterbaby.

I've been where you are.

The challenges kids throw at relationships are no joke.

Like you, I'm in an ongoing state of learning what it means to care for little ones without completely losing sight of everything else that's important to me—including my relationship with my husband.

I'm also a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, and I interact with thousands of moms via Instagram. From that experience, I can tell you this for sure: You and I are not alone on this journey!

In fact, that's why I started Love After Baby. I wanted to create a place where we moms can tackle the ups and downs of navigating our relationship after becoming parents.

With Love After Baby, you get evidence-based therapeutic strategies and support to help you reconnect with your partner—and stay connected for the long haul.

Become a Member
How I can help

You deserve a happy, healthy relationship—even if you can't access couples counseling.

Partner with Love After Baby.

I love to partner with passionate brands that serve moms and couples.

If you're interested in a brand partnership, podcast interview, expert contribution, or similar, please get in touch! (Due to a high volume of requests, inquiries that aren't a good fit for Love After Baby may not receive a response.)
Contact Me